53 research outputs found

    Portfolio Selection For Service Systems

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    The decision of selecting the portfolio of services to be included in a service system and the issues that complicate this decision problem are discussed. A general portfolio decision making framework is presented and compared with the Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) Business/IT Alignment Service Management Function (SMF)


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    Decision Support Capabilities of Enterprise Content Management: A Framework

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    Enterprise content management (ECM) systems help firms deal with the increasing amounts and complexity of structured and unstructured organizational data. However the ECM literature shows that many organizations focus on the short-term benefits of ECM while the potential strategic decision-making benefits are rarely considered. Therefore, the objective of this research-in-progress paper is to investigate the association between ECM and decision support and to draw attention to the potential application of ECM technology for decision-making activities. This study introduces a framework linking ECM to decision-making activities, and presents five propositions based on the published literature

    A Framework for Integrating Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance into the Software Development Process

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    The Sarbanes-Oxley act introduces a new set of requirements into software development. Corporations need to assess their internal control effectiveness for business processes to show compliance with the act. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for integrating Sarbanes-Oxley compliance needs into the software development process by mapping the various stages of the software development process with an established framework for internal controls

    A Look at Online Targeted Advertising in Information Systems Research

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    Although online targeted advertising, as a maturing research area in the discipline of information systems (IS), has great influence in practice, there have been few if any literature reviews on research in the area of online targeted advertising. In this paper, 68 articles are systematically analyzed, to assess the state of research on online targeted advertising. This paper summarizes the methodologies employed in prior research studies and uses a concept matrix to categorize the literature into three main dimensions ¬– focus on people (web users), focus on organizations (advertisers and ads brokers), and focus on technology (data mining etc.). Furthermore, this paper proposes a framework, through which important research themes and concepts are synthesized, to provide IS researchers with an overview of this research area and to identify those topics where much research has already been done and those topics where more research is needed

    Understanding Deterrence Theory in Security Compliance Behavior: A Quantitative Meta-Analysis Approach

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    Nowadays, one of the major concerns in assuring information systems security (ISS) is the employees’ non-compliance behavior. Several studies have investigated compliance behavior by utilizing several behavioral theories and models. Deterrence theory is one of the widely used theories in ISS literature in order to investigate compliance behavior. Based on this theory, behaviors can be controlled by the threat of severe, certain and swift sanctions. This study aims to conduct a quantitative meta-analysis of existing literature to investigate relationship between constructs of deterrence theory (severity, certainty and celerity) and compliance behavior of employees. Results show that deterrence theory has not a remarkable impact on employees’ compliance behavior

    A Framework for IT Investment Evaluation in Emerging Economies

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    This paper proposes a framework for evaluating information technology investments. The proposed framework integrates value chain analysis with fuzzy logic, activity based costing, and multi-criteria decision analysis. This framework should be particularly useful for organizations in emerging economies, where an uncertain business environment is often combined with a lack of dependable, historical accounting data

    A Social Network Perspective of Information Systems Project Management

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    This study looks at the social network that exists during information systems development (ISD). By introducing a social network perspective of information systems project management, social network analysis and its concepts of embeddedness, structural holes, and centrality can be used to reveal organizational phenomena that might otherwise be overlooked. In this study we analyze the social network from a successful systems development project in a health care setting, looking particularly at the emergence and role of change agents. The results of this research suggest that the ISD transactions are embedded in the social relations, implying that social relations and ISD must be managed jointly to achieve a successful (system solution) project. Social network analysis allows simultaneously measuring the ISD project transactions and the social relationships that tie them together, providing a new perspective that can be used to build an effective project management infrastructure